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TPMP - Toulouse Plant Microbe Phenotyping

The TPMP platform is dedicated to automated, high throughput phenotyping of model and agronomic plants and their associated microorganisms. It allows a non-invasive monitoring of plants in simulated climatic and environmental conditions. With security conditions S2, it can be used with GMOs and with organisms requiring quarantine (with authorization).

  • High throughput phenotyping in a culture room
  • High throughput phenotyping in greenhouse
  • Microbial phenotyping  – system Biolog
  • Visual, infrared, fluorescence imaging
  • Plant-microbe interactions
  • S2 and quarantine conditions

+33 5 61 28 55 92


Mots-clefs : Biodiversity, Agro-environment data, Microorganisms, Pathogens, Phenotyping, Plants, Automated greenhouse & culture room , Symbiosis,