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TRI, a platform to observe living systems

The TRI Platform offers to all partners in research and development, whether in public sector or in private companies, a large panel of expertise and cutting edge equipment for imaging biological samples. Its vast resources in light microscopy, electron microscopy and in cytometry / cell sorting allow full exploration of living systems, from the nanometric scale to the whole organism.

  • In vivo cell and tissular imaging
  • Cytometry, medium and high throughput imaging
  • Electron microscopy
  • Molecular interactions
  • Plant imaging
  • Small animal imaging
  • Imaging in infectious environments
  • Processing and modeling

Mots-clefs : AFM, Sequence analysis, Multiparametric analysis, Animal, Bio-fluids, Structural biology, Bioluminescence, Biophysic, Cellular, Cells, Cognition, Protein-ligand complex, Cryo-method, Cyto-imaging, High throughput data, Light sheet, FLIM/Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy, Fluorescence, Human, Imaging, Cell imaging, Whole body imaging, High throughput imaging, Infectious imaging, Medium throughput imaging, Tissue imaging, Protein-protein interaction, Macroscopy, MEB, MET, Experimental microsurgery, Laser assisted microdissection, Microorganisms, Microscopy, Scanning electron microscopy, Atomic force microscopy, Wide field microscopy, Confocal microscopy, Fluorescence microscopy, Electron microscopy, Intravital microscopy, Modelling, Optogenetic, Optogenetic, Pathogens, Optical tweezers, Plants, Spectrofluorimetry, Spectrometry, Stereo microscope, Super-resolution, Symbiosis, TEM, Gene therapy, Tissue , Tomography, Tomography, Image analysis, Data visualization